
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women
merely players..."

So True...
Ashwin Rajadesingan
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Evanescence of Innocence

Remember the time when we were kids, how every moment passed in blissful innocence, how chocolates were the most treasured of God’s creations, how the TV remote was the holy grail of every household, how mom’s cooking was the best in the world (and I must confess still is!!), how teachers words were golden and how Popeye was the most powerful man on earth...

Now days things are a little different… come to think of it a whole lot different….
Well some people call it the exposure to the real world...I would rather call it the evanescence of innocence...

Inspired by a forward I received from a friend of mine..

"I want to go back to that time when "getting high" meant on a "swing",when "mom" was the only "hero",when "dad's shoulders" were the "highest place on Earth",when "worst enemies" were your "siblings",when the only thing that could "hurt" you were "skinned knees", when the only thing "broken" were "your toys" and when "good byes" only meant "till tomorrow"..... THAT WAS LIFE!!

kudos to the author!!

Just wishing life were as simple...


Ashwin Rajadesingan ♥ Wednesday, February 11, 2009 link to post