
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women
merely players..."

So True...
Ashwin Rajadesingan
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Saturday, May 22, 2010
There is a perfectly valid reason for this

“There is a perfectly valid reason for this…”, I say to myself every time something untoward happens. Why? Why can’t I forget about logic and reasoning and just go with the flow? Why not set sail to where the winds take us rather than direct the winds ourselves. Why should I be led to believe that everything happens for a reason? Why cant things just happen? Period.

Even the answer to this question, I am sure, is being evaluated in our minds “logically”. Argh!! From where did I get this compulsive obsession with logic? Why can’t I simply look at it, admire it and leave it… the sight- chirping birds, twinkling stars, green meadows, rustling of the leaves…bah!!! The summation of all things boring!!

But what is life without a contradiction? Just imagine the ideal life, where everything that ought to happen, happens.

C happens. Why?
Initial condition A
Intermediate step B

Hence Shown.

Simple. Too Simple!!

A totally logical life would be so predictable, so mundane, so boring. Imagine being able to predict what will happen at every instance. Imagine watching a suspense thriller the second time. BORING!!

So why don’t we simply do away with logic and declare it null and void? Well for one, people are not smart enough to do that, they like the cushion of knowing that everything is under their control (boy, I can hear the devil laughing...). And ofcourse, logic is easy to understand; it can be taught, nurtured and even preached. Try teaching illogic. Whoa!! Just the thought!!

So do you still think life is logical??

Ashwin Rajadesingan ♥ Saturday, May 22, 2010 link to post