
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women
merely players..."

So True...
Ashwin Rajadesingan
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Friday, December 3, 2010
No this is not nonsense

No no no... the world is a beautiful, colourful place. Everything makes sense just the way they are. No tomfoolery, no pricked conscience or any of that shit. I like everything the way they are. Change is only necessary if there exists a disequilibrium. I live in perfect harmony with myself; there is no need for change… Really. Stop this!! Why cripple and torture me into admitting that everything around me is fake when clearly everything is well and truly real. No!! Argh!! Why are you doing this! Leave me alone! Fuck you, you sick bastard! WHIZ!ZIP!BHAM!

Who the fuck are you?

Funny you should ask. Can’t you recognize yourself?
Huh? what??
Relax, my muddled friend. ‘Don’t ask me who, ask me why’, clichéd I know.

Argh! Ok why are you here?
In simple words, I am here to save you.

You are going to save me? Save me??
Yes, repeating the word won’t change its meaning.

Save me from who? You??
You have a weird sense of humour. Even for a guy talking to himself!

Ok Superman… why are you really here? What do you want?
Think of me as you, wait I am you!! I am here to make your life a little more fun, saving you from the dreary dull life you’re ‘living’. Don’t you worry, I am not going to shout up a warcry, rally mindless punks, start a revolution and change the world.
No, I am too smart for that, actually I am way too lazy.

That settles it. You’re mad.

Your opinion. Me, I am just going to grab some popcorn, sit back and relax. Let the world rot in peace… Why would I care? Why bother with a world of sinners, rapists and paedophiles, a little exaggeration hurts no one I suppose. No, I am in for the fun part. Doing nothing.

All this nonsense for ‘doing nothing’??
DUDE, don’t you dare trivialize the ‘nobel’ art of doing nothing.

Ok wisecrack the joke’s over. Get lost. Like seriously.
Er… now that is a really dumb wish. “Like seriously”. For me to get lost, you would have to “get lost”.

Then shut up, this is the limit. I’ll kill you!!
Again an idle threat. For obvious reasons. In any case, I am leaving, pointless really, spending time with an ass like you especially when there is loonacy to enjoy, dumbness to ridicule and theories to refudiate!!

Rest assured, I’ll be back!!

Ashwin Rajadesingan ♥ Friday, December 03, 2010 link to post